How Trump’s dark energy lifted us into the Light

Trump was the perfect barbell for souls whose purpose for this lifetime was to actively proclaim our discipleship to the energies of Light, Love, Truth, Peace, and Civility. He shook us from the comfort of our complacency and strengthened our resistance muscles. He also was the perfect catalyst for America to begin repaying its longstanding karmic debt. The country prospered from inhumanity, avarice, violence, dishonesty, and theft. The same values would bring its downfall.

How you will leave Earth alive when nobody else will?

Muhammad Ali is among more than 110 celebrities who have exited Earth's stage since New Year's Eve 2015. Each gave us a fresh opportunity not only to embrace the reality of death, but to actually understand it. This is important. And as Ali demonstrated, if we don't understand Death, we will not successfully navigate Life. Ali understood both extraordinarily well, so well that he... Continue Reading →

It’s time to stop snoozing on church violence

The massacre at Emanuel A.M.E. in Charleston could have been our wake-up call. In fact, it should have been. But it appears that, once again, we've hit the snooze button. We'd rather not gaze upon the important insights that this church violence offers us. Instead, we cry, "How did the devil get into God's House? Why did God let this happen? Why didn't God protect... Continue Reading →

How we innocently support terrorism and tyranny

At some point, most of us have innocently supported terrorism and tyrannical behavior. We have literally worshiped at its feet. We simply didn't know it. By definition, tyranny is "the cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control". For centuries, and with the best of intentions, we good people have taught our children to worship acts that are inhumane... Continue Reading →

Can you believe in God and not believe that the Bible is the “word of God”?

A minister friend posted this graphic on my Facebook timeline a couple of days ago. It reminded me of the first time I read the Flood story in Genesis while wearing my thinking cap. I came face-to-face with the inexplicably heinous, unforgiving and inhumane behavior that scriptural storytellers have attributed to God. And they tell us this is the "Word of... Continue Reading →

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